Colmobil Learning portal | This portal was designed for the largest and leading car dealership in Israel. This portal allows hundreds of corporate, car shops employees and mechanics around the country gain access to the latests updates, learn and acquire new skills and provide better customer service. 

Partner Mobile APP | UX planing & Design of the renewed brand. This concept app was designed to put the user in control, building a unique user experience and intelligent content engine to provide the user with the right information for his/her needs.

HP Software | UX planing & Design for HP Software. This Portal was design to help HP's SW engineers to build products and services in accordance to a workflow protocols. 

Cellcom CRM | Developed and designed to replace the current customer service applications and systems. This core project was deployed on a Salesforce backbone with full integration to Cellcom systems.  
Amdocs Learning Portal | UX planing & Design for Amdocs Learning portal - Serving thousands of customers worldwide. This unique design include a Learning bot - pushing relevant content to users as they achieve their learning goals.
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